The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland are proud to recommend Soton Brain Hub resources for students learning clinical  neuroanatomy.  If you are a student there are many benefits to joining The Society as an early careers member. Find out more information about The Anatomical Society, what they do and how to become a member here

Our videos have been frequently used by PASSMEDICINE to aid with the learning of clinical neuroscience and neurology. PASSMEDICINE is a well known and proven revision source that helps students pass high stakes medical exams 

"Amazing videos with incredible illustration." - YouTube user

"Concise, quick and highly relevant. Thank You!" - YouTube user

"Soton Brain Hub saved my life! God bless you." - YouTube user

"Great video with a simple review. Perfect for exam cramming." YouTube user

"This is an amazing video! - gonna share this with my classmates. Thank you!" YouTube user